United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
International Non–governmental Association for Scientific Research, Information and Educational Programmes «Evolutio»
contest of research papers of students, candidates for a master's degree, postgraduate students
The contest objective is to encourage scientific research of students, candidates for a master’s degree, postgraduate students on the problems of refugees and stateless persons, international organizations’ activities and international legal documents on protection of this category of persons..
The contest goals are to attract attention of young researchers to the problems of refugees and stateless persons; to disseminate the information on the governmental bodies’, non-governmental and international organizations’ activities to solve these problems; to improve the situation of refugees and stateless persons.
The contest is open for full-time students, candidates for a master's degree and postgraduate students of full-time course of study of higher educational and scientific institutions of the Republic of Belarus.
The participants shall submit the following documents to the International Non–governmental Association for Scientific Research, Information and Educational Programmes «Evolutio»:
a written workon the contest topic in Russian or Belarusian by mail: 220050, Minsk, PO Box 245, INA "Evolutio". There must be a label on the envelope which says "The contest of research works".Simultaneously, work should be sent by e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
a filled contest participant application form (download);
a certificate from the faculty dean’s office stating that he/she is a full-time student/candidate for a master's degree/postgraduate student of full-time course of study.
The work shall not exceed 15 pages with a list of literature (pages size — A4, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 2.5 cm each margin, line space sesquialteral, page numbering at the bottom of a page on center). The title sheet shall indicate the name of the work, the surname, name and patronymic name of student/candidate for a master's degree/post-graduate student, the university, the faculty and the course. The author signs the title page of the work.
The work must be carried out individually. The work must have independent nature. In the introduction relevance of the work should be settled down, objective and goals should be stated, brief review of analyzed literature should be given. In the main part it’s necessary to cover the paper’s topic in accordance with stated objective and goals. In the conclusion implications should be given, if possible theoretic and practical recommendations of the author to resolve this problem may be proposed. Footnotes and literature design should conform to requirements of the design of scientific papers.
The following research directions are proposed:
· protection of refugees and stateless persons in the context of mixed migration flows;
· improving asylum systems within the context of access to refugee status determination procedures;
· identification of persons in need of international protection;
· problems of the international refugee protection system: questions of the necessity of its reforming and modernizing within the context of existing situation in the sphere of forced migration;
· refugees integration: problems, solutions, possible perspectives;
· attitude of society towards refugees / stateless persons: a stereotype or reality;
· involvement and participation of refugees as one of the solutions of the problems of forced migration;
· multiculturalism policy: pros and cons;
· ethnocultural interaction in a multinational space: problems and solutions;
· significance of awareness raising activities among the general public for integration of refugees;
· socialization and adaptation of refugees and stateless persons;
· the role of government and public institutions in providing assistance to refugees;
· the problem of statelessness in the contemporary world;
· integration of refugees into the host society as one of the long-term decisions of the UN Refugee Agency;
· educational programmes and other integration forms for forced migrants;
· intercultural dialogue in Europe;
· statelessness: a new challenge of our time;
· causes and consequences of loss and (or) deprivation of nationality.
The topic and title of work is determined by the author under the proposed directions. It is desirable the title of the work not to be titled after the directions indicated in this announcement. Works with new proposals, suggestions, and recommendations on solutions of the problems stated before will be encouraged.
Once you have decided to participate in the contest, it is recommended to consult with the organizers of the contest.
Works which don't comply with the contest topic and include plagiarism will be excluded from the participation in the contest. Indication of participant’s name or the title of a higher educational institution somewhere in the work, except of the title page, will also lead to participant's disqualification.
N o t e: Plagiarism is the use of the language and thoughts of another author without indication of actual authorship. The use of the language and thoughts of another author is assumed in case of obligatory reference to the actual author's text, which must be given in quotes. Attention should also be paid to the presence of references to facts and figures which are given in the work.
The competition begins on September 10, 2018, the deadline is on November 30, 2018. The results of the contest will be announced not later than on December 31, 2018.
Works will be measured by the following criteria: research nature of the work (the depth of the topic research, independent views, argumentativeness of conclusions, existence of proposals and problem-solving recommendations); presentation of material (literacy, clearness and logical order of material presentation, unambiguousness which exclude double-meaning sense, justification of personal suppositions and recommendations of the author); compliance of the work with the design requirements.
For the winners of the contest are planned:
the first place rewards in the amount of 250 (two hundred fifty) BYN;
the second place rewards in the amount of 150 (one hundred fifty) BYN;
the third place rewards in the amount of 50 (fifty) BYN.
The number of winners and the amount of the rewards could be changed in accordance with the Commission’s decision. By the Commission’s recommendation the best works may be published in the Journal of International Law and International Relations.
If you have any questions and comments, feel free to contact us by the phone: (017)209 57 66,
(029) 322 27 40 or via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..