2022 — N 1-2 (100-101)
The Jubilee Issue of the Journal of International Law and International Relations: Some Achievements So Far — Andrey Selivanov
International Security Law
Malicious Activity in Cyberarea as a Ground for Introduction of Sanctions: Theory and Practice — Alena Douhan
International Cooperation in Combatting Crime
Criminalising the Non-return of Cultural and Historical Goods under Temporary Exportation from the Republic of Belarus for Combating Illegal Trafficking in Cultural Property — Ihar Martynenka
Issues for the Participation of the Republic of Belarus in the Institutional Mechanism for Combating International Cybercrime — Marina Goloventchik
Relationship between International Law and Domestic Law
The non bis in idem Principle — Theory, History and Application in International Law and the Law of the Eurasian Economic Union — Venera Seitimova
International Space Law
International Legal Instruments on the Use of Outer Space in the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development — Ilya Adamov
Private International Law
The Polish Law 2011 “On Private International Law” as a Potential Model for Improvement of the Relevant Belarusian Legislation— Natallia Maskayeva
The Evolution of the China’s Cultural Export Policy (2001—2020) — Shi Dandan
On the Development of the Chinese Tourism Diplomacy from the later 1990s to 2020 — Liu Xiangqian
Andrey Selivanov
Editoring Board:
Alexey Danilchenko (chairman)Elena Babkina
Sergey Balashenko
Alena Douhan
Ruslan Esin
Ludmila Pavlova
Anatoly Rozanov
Andrei Rusakovich
Sergey Solodovnikov
Oleg Starovoitov