Journal of International Law an International Relations


Journal of International Law and International Relations 2013 — N 1


International Law

International Organisations

The Eurasian Group on Combatting Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism: International Legal Status — Elena Dovgan

International Private Law

The Balance of Interests as the Basis for Development of Intellectual Property Law — Elena Leanovich

International Space Law

Turkmenistan as a Subject of International Law — Murad Khaitov

International Relations

The Evolution of Relations between China and Kyrgyzstan in 2001—2012: Tendencies and Prospects — Maryia Danilovich

Nurenberg City Law as a Source of City Law on the Lands of Central and Eastern Europe — Olga Keller

Maintenance of Napoleon’s Army Prisoners of War on the Territory of Belarus: Financial and Economic Aspects — Alesya Tsynkevich

The Role of NGOs in the Peace Process in Croatia (the 1990s—2000s) — Ekaterina Shymkevich

Documents and Materials

Search of Information on Refugees’ Countries of Origin and Procedural Issues of Applications for Protection Consideration: Romanian Immigration Service Experience — Natalya Sokolovskaya (only Russian)

Enforcement of the European Asylum Curriculum in the Republic of Belarus — Sergey Kasinsky (only Russian)

International Economic Relations

Demographic Transition: Concept, Stages and Social and Economic Importance — Vladimir Zaharets

Bilateral Interstate Economic Cooperation: Concept, Forms and Essence — Farman Yusubov

Import of the Newest Equipment for Modernization: Foreign Economy Aspects of the State Regulation in the Customs Union — Sergey Yurik

Small Enterprises: Their Advantages and Disadvantages in Modern Conditions of Economic Management — Tatiana Tokhtamysh


English summaries

«The Eurasian Group on Combatting Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism: International Legal Status» (Elena Dovgan)

This article considers the legal grounds for establishment, membership, structure and spheres of activity of the Eurasian Group on combatting money laundering and financing of terrorism. It also determines its legal status as an international organization and a regional organization of collective security under Chapter VIII of the UN Charter.

«The Balance of Interests as the Basis for Development of Intellectual Property Law» (Elena Leanovich)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the contemporary trends of intellectual property law modification. The author reveals the objective reasons for this process and points out the main stakeholders who directly influence it. The article presents some conclusions on the ways and mechanisms of providing a balanced development of intellectual property legal regulation.

«Turkmenistan as a Subject of International Law» (Murad Khaitov)

The author uses the research of theoretical issues of the international legal personality of states to study the formation and development of Turkmenistan. The peculiarities of Turkmenistan’s status as a subject of international law are identified. A brief analysis of international documents, Turkmenistan legal acts and an overview of opinions of several scholars on this topic are given. The article stresses the necessity of constant development and improvement of both international and national law of Turkmenistan in order to develop new approaches, more effective methods and judicial means of the maintenance of peace and security.

«The Evolution of Relations between China and Kyrgyzstan in 2001—2012: Tendencies and Prospects» (Maryia Danilovich)

The role of Central Asia in Chinese foreign policy has significantly increased over the last decade. Internal and external factors determine the changes both in the pace and methods of Chinese foreign strategy implementation in all the main directions.
The article examines relations between China and Kyrgyzstan in 2001—2012. According to the author, the Kyrgyz Republic is one of the core countries of the region for implementation of Central Asian strategy of China. The article is a case-study of political (including military), trade and economic (by sectors), cultural and humanitarian inter-state cooperation of the two countries. It also presents an analysis of changing tendencies in the Chinese migration to Kyrgyzstan as well as a prediction of relations development between China and Kyrgyzstan in the short- and medium-term prospects.

«Nurenberg City Law as a Source of City Law on the Lands of Central and Eastern Europe» (Olga Keller)

The author presents an overview of dissemination and enforcement of Nurenberg city law (Nürnberg Stadtrecht), one of the five different components of the German law which was widespread in Central and Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages and the Modern time. The Nurenberg city law is considered in general; the Nurenberg branch of city law is described; the sources of the Nurenberg city law are given: resolutions and books of the town council (Nürnberger Ratsverlässe) and the books of letters (Nürnberger «Briefbücher»).

«Maintenance of Napoleon’s Army Prisoners of War on the Territory of Belarus: Financial and Economic Aspects» (Alesya Tsynkevich)

The article analyses the main expenditures and financing of Napoleon’s army prisoners of war during their stay on the territory of Belarus from 1812 till 1814: provision of prisoners of war with food supplies, clothes, medical assistance, expenditures on their transportation maintenance both to the inner provinces of the Russian Empire and while repatriating them. The author presents the description of the legal base and the procedure of financing of the prisoners of war, registration and management procedures organization. The use of labour force of the prisoners is also considered in the article. An approximate number of prisoners of different ranks in provinces is stated and further used to calculate the financial costs of their maintenance. The results of the research allow the author to make a conclusion that maintenance of the prisoners of war on the territory of Belarus required significant financial and material resources which could have been directed at the reconstruction of the Belarusian provinces economy destroyed by war.

«The Role of NGOs in the Peace Process in Croatia (the 1990s—2000s)» (Ekaterina Shymkevich)

The article describes the main directions of the Croatian non-governmental organizations activities during the peace process and the overcoming of the military conflict consequences in Croatia in the first half of the 1990s. Two periods in the process of formation and activity of these organizations are distinguished: during the military actions and after the ceasefire. Practical and theoretical levels of their activities are identified.

«Demographic Transition: Concept, Stages and Social and Economic Importance» (Vladimir Zaharets)

The article is devoted to the problem of demographic transition to a simple and narrowed type of reproduction of human resources. Conclusions made on the basis of the analysis conducted have a significant practical value for development and implementation of various programmes in the field of demographic policy in our country.
Adaptation of social and economic development of Belarus to quantitatively diminishing human and labour resources should occur at the expense of their qualitative growth, but not due to their attraction from outside.
The development of the Republic of Belarus’s own labour resources, the all-round modernization of production, transition to labour-saving technologies can and should become the main options for further development of the country in the foreseeable future.

«Bilateral Interstate Economic Cooperation: Concept, Forms and Essence» (Farman Yusubov)

The main goal of the article is to give the definition of bilateral interstate economic cooperation, to consider its essence in the context of development of national economies of the modern world countries.
The relevance of the article is stipulated, firstly, by globalization processes influence and global world economic links. As a result, no country of the world can conduct a closed economic policy at the present stage. Secondly, it is bilateral cooperation that allows mainly to localize various factors influencing its development, to use them to the maximum for increasing the efficiency of interstate economic interaction.
The article considers the concept, forms and essence of bilateral interstate economic cooperation, its merits and disadvantages are identified.

«Import of the Newest Equipment for Modernization: Foreign Economy Aspects of the State Regulation in the Customs Union» (Sergey Yurik)

The article deals with foreign economy aspects of the state regulation and stimulation of import of the newest equipment on the territory of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. A notion of the newest technological equipment and means of its identification while importing (based on commodity codes) are defined in terms of practical implementation. Introduction of a zero import duty and VAT exemption, as well as specific measures of simplification of customs administration are proposed for encouragement of import of the newest technological equipment. Finally, the problems relating to the identification of the newest equipment and control of the risks in its import are stated. Ways of improvement of the legal framework and development of the law on transfer of the newest technology considering international experience are proposed in order to maximize the use of international transfer of new technologies for qualitative modernization of the Belarusian economy.

«Small Enterprises: Their Advantages and Disadvantages in Modern Conditions of Economic Management» (Tatiana Tokhtamysh)

The article reflects the peculiarities of small enterprises activities in Ukraine. The role of small enterprises in the Ukrainian economy is identified; criteria of enterprises (business entities) allocation in Ukraine and the European Union are analyzed. The analysis of small enterprises’ activities reflected that, according to the qualitative indicator of the development stage of small enterprises, Ukraine has reached an average level of the EU countries, however, according to qualitative indicators — Ukrainian small entrepreneurship still remains on starting positions. Advantages and disadvantages of small enterprises in modern conditions of economic management are identified. It is stated that growth of the number of advantages and decrease in the number of disadvantages is possible only in case of creation of the system of effective management of small enterprises.


This publication was prepared in the framework of EU — UNHCR project “Regional Protection Programme (Phase II)”


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