Journal of International Law and International Relations 2014 — N 2
International Law
International Private Law
Public Policy Clause as a Ground for the Refusal of Foreign Law Application within Unfair Competition Cases Consideration by the Courts of the Republic of Belarus — Natallia Maskayeva
International Relations
Iosif Goshkevich as a Symbol of the Belarusian-Japanese Cooperation (on the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of the Famous Diplomat and Researcher Orientalist) — Victor Shadurski (only Russian)
The Foreign Policy of Belarus Research in Germany in the 2000s: the Main Directions — Andrei Rusakovich
Immigration Issue in the Political Life of France at the End of the 20th and at the Beginning of the 21st Century — Konstantin Snisarenko
The Influence of Energy Issues on International Relations in the Beginning of the 21st Сentury — Alexander Chizh
Polish-Lithuanian Economic Relations (2004—2013) — Danil Pinkevich
«Training of Foreign Military Personnel at the Higher Military Education Establishments of the USSR and in the Republic of Belarus — Alexander Glamazda, Vyachaslav Shumilov
Foreign Experience
The Evolution of the Russian Federation’s Policy in the Post-soviet Space in the First Half of the 2000s — Marut Vardazaryan
Documents and Materials
The General Inspectorate on Immigration of the Ministry of Interior of Romania’s Experience in the Sphere of Migration Process Regulation — Aleksey Begun, Aleksander Tatura (only Russian)
World Refugee Day 2014 in Belarus — Andrey Selivanov, Liubov Kravets (only Russian)
International Economic Relations
Demographic Policy: Methods and Instruments, Application Experience and the Analysis of Effectiveness — Vladimir Zaharets, Irina Zaharets
Modern Trends in the Euro Area: the European Debt Crisis of 2013 and its Implications for the World Economy — Olga Malashenkova, Anastasiya Markvarde
Development Trends of the World Pharmaceutical Market — Valentina Shchatko
The Implementation of the Creative Concept of Foreign Economic Policy to Meet the Requirements of the Global Economic Environment in the 21st Century — Oh Dok Hee
English Summaries
«Public Policy Clause as a Ground for the Refusal of Foreign Law Application within Unfair Competition Cases Consideration by the Courts of the Republic of Belarus» (Natallia Maskayeva)
The article aims to identify the possibility of non-application of foreign law by the courts of the Republic of Belarus in unfair competition cases on the basis of the public policy clause. It analyses such specific legal institution of Anglo-Saxon law as punitive damages which are awarded by the courts, in particular, upon determining the existence of unfair competition. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the courts of the Republic of Belarus, examining unfair competition cases, may on the basis of the public policy clause refuse to apply foreign law if its application necessitates recovering of the above-mentioned damages.
«The Foreign Policy of Belarus Research in Germany in the 2000s: the Main Directions» (Andrei Rusakovich)
The article undertakes the analysis of the main directions in the study of the foreign policy of Belarus in Germany in the 2000s, their main stages and peculiarities. The author notes that scientific studies of the foreign policy of Belarus, based on methodological approaches and organizational structures formed in the 1990s, were continued in Germany in the 2000s. According to the author, the main distinctive feature of the German studies development in that period was the appearance of generalizing works on the issues of relations between Belarus and Russia, the European Union, and Germany. It is noted in the article that the main directions emphasized in the research were the following: the Belarusian authorities foreign policy approaches towards further integration with Russia; cooperation between the national authorities and international organizations; expansion of the European Union and NATO in 2004 and the necessity of developing a new EU policy towards Belarus; the policy of rapprochement between Belarus and the EU undertaken in 2008—2010; the next stage of complication of political relations between Belarus and the European Union after the 2010 presidential elections; Belarus’ participation in the new integration structures — the Customs Union/Common Economic Space; problems of energy resources transit across Belarus. The author demonstrates that the recognition of the Republic of Belarus as an important subject of the European relations which has its own national interests was a significant aspect of academic studies in Germany in the 2000s.
«Immigration Issue in the Political Life of France at the End of the 20th and at the Beginning of the 21st Century» (Konstantin Snisarenko)
The author uses the example of France to determine the content of immigration issue and to identify its influence on the political life of the state at the end of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century. He comes to the following conclusions: the immigration question appeared due to the immigration process changes in France in the postwar atmosphere. It is connected with the great deceleration of the immigrants’ adaptation to the French social environment and with the peculiarities of French citizens’ perception of them. The influence of the immigration issue on the political life of France manifests itself in the popularity growth of the far right movements, such as the National Front, which come out with anti-immigrant slogans. The National Front popularity growth made the leading parties add the immigrant issue to the political agenda. French legislation adaptation to the standards of the European law permitted to elaborate optimal conditions to control immigration and to decrease the urgency of the immigration question. Nevertheless the problem of co-existence of the French and the immigrants from African and Asian states remains urgent.
«The Influence of Energy Issues on International Relations in the Beginning of the 21st Сentury» (Alexander Chizh)
The article discusses the role of energy factor in modern international relations. Based on the analysis of various works of foreign academics, the author identifies the key actors in the international arena that influence energy security of the states around the world, as well as makes the forecast on the possible changes within the global energy sector due to the use of unconventional fossil fuels. Specific examples, provided by the author, demonstrate the role of the distribution and possession of energy resources in political relations between countries.
«Polish-Lithuanian Economic Relations (2004—2013)» (Danil Pinkevich)
The paper describes the Polish-Lithuanian economic relations in 2004—2013. The article focuses on bilateral trade in goods and services as well as on dynamics and structure of bilateral trade. The paper also describes mutual investment priorities of the Polish and Lithuanian businesses and highlights the role of energy projects in the economic relations between Poland and Lithuania. The author attempts to define the influence of the political factor on each of the following areas: bilateral trade, mutual investment, and common energy projects between Poland and Lithuania during the specified decade.
«Training of Foreign Military Personnel at the Higher Military Education Establishments of the USSR and in the Republic of Belarus» (Alexander Glamazda, Vyachaslav Shumilov)
The main historical periods of the foreign military personnel training at the Higher Military Education Establishments of the USSR (till 1991) and in the Republic of Belarus (after 1992) are examined in the article. The planned regularity, purposefulness and dynamic of this work is shown. The article stresses the necessity of foreign military personnel training in order to raise the authority and image of Belarusian military school and of the Republic of Belarus in the international scene.
«The Evolution of the Russian Federation’s Policy in the Post-soviet Space in the First Half of the 2000s» (Marut Vardazaryan)
The article considers characteristics of the development of relations between Russia and the CIS countries in the period of presidency of V. Putin. The article illustrates the problems and difficulties existing in this sphere. The international situation also contributed to the expansion of Moscow’s influence in the CIS territory, since after the terrorist attack of September, 11 there was a thaw in Russian-American relations. The 2000 decree of V. Putin introduced changes and amendments in the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation. The Military Doctrine and the Concept of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation were endorsed in the same year. In this period one of the priorities of Russia’s foreign policy was to assure conformity of multilateral and bilateral cooperation among the member-states of the CIS with the objectives of the country’s national security. The economic factor was also highlighted and there was a transition to «electoral involvement». The article describes the dynamics and features of Russian-Armenian relations in the beginning of the 2000s. The deepening of strategic cooperation with Moscow first of all ensures military and energy security of Armenia, though the economic factor should not be underestimated either.
«Demographic Policy: Methods and Instruments, Application Experience and the Analysis of Effectiveness» (Vladimir Zaharets, Irina Zaharets)
The article is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of various measures applied in the demographic policy in Belarus and other countries all over the world.
A number of proposals aimed at improving the demographic policy of the Republic of Belarus are formulated on the basis of the analysis undertaken by the authors. Implementation of these proposals is possible while developing the new National Programme of Demographic Security for 2016—2020.
«Modern Trends in the Euro Area: the European Debt Crisis of 2013 and its Implications for the World Economy» (Olga Malashenkova, Anastasiya Markvarde)
The debt crisis in the eurozone has had a serious impact on both the European and the international economy as a whole. The crisis has exposed many of the contradictions in the system of regulation of the Economic and Monetary Union in Europe. The authors analyze the processes occurring within the Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: they determine the mechanism and causes of the crisis, assess the main economic indicators of the EMU in 2013 and consider the effects of the European debt crisis on the global economy. In addition, the article touches on the impact of the euro zone economies of developing countries in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
«Development Trends of the World Pharmaceutical Market» (Valentina Shchatko)
The article defines the basic development trends of the world pharmaceutical market, such as: the growth rates slowdown, the developed countries’ share reduction in manufacture and consumption of pharmaceutical products, increase of research time for medical products and their research intensity, etc. The current state of the Belarus pharmaceutical market and measures of its development with regard to the described tendencies are characterised.
«The Implementation of the Creative Concept of Foreign Economic Policy to Meet the Requirements of the Global Economic Environment in the 21st Century» (Oh Dok Hee)
For the last 40 years the strategy of imitation and replication of the strategies, used by the developed countries in the traditional industries, was the main force of South Korean economic growth. However, this foreign economic policy exhausted its potential after the global economic crisis. High added value sections of the world economy began to shift away from labor and capital (industrial economy), knowledge and information (knowledge-driven economy) to the sphere of innovative technologies and creative ideas (creative economy). In response to the changes of global economy South Korean government developed a new foreign economic strategy as a basis for future development of creative economy, based on the use of scientific research and development and deeper integration of the Korean economy into the world one.
This implies the following:
Firstly, introducing a new concept of creative economy: a) creating favorable economic environment for setting up of a business and indemnification of creative economic activity; b) implementing venture business support policy with the aim of entering the international market; c) supporting innovative technologies research and development; e) attracting international experts and foreign highly-skilled workers; d) strengthening international cooperation through scientific research and development and information and communication technologies;
secondly, small and medium enterprise support policy aimed at balanced development of the national economy (focusing on venture business): a) special aspects of the South Korean venture business; b) the main role of venture business in South Korean economy;
thirdly, the conclusion of free trade agreements and promotion of global foreign economic policy (in order to unite with the globalizing world economy): a) causes of the increasing need for free trade agreements; b) the positive effects of free trade agreements on the economy of the Republic of Korea; c) the negative effects of free trade agreements.