Journal of International Law an International Relations 

Journal of International Law and International Relations 2015 — N 3


International Law

International Private Law

Contracts Aimed at Developing Distribution Network of the Belarusian Producers Abroad: Basic Legal Theoretical and Practical Issues — Yuliya Barel

International Relations

Military Aspects of the U.S. Strategy Regarding the Persian Gulf Regional Security Complex (2009—2014) — Anatoli Rozanov, Alexandra Shkoda

The U.S. Policy towards China During the Second Barack H. Obama Presidency — Aleksandr Kosov

Development of the Military Defense Cooperation Between Belarus and Russia — Nikita Dunets

Documents and Materials

Round Table Materials on Forced Migration (only Russian)

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (only Russian)

Documents and Materials

A Book Review "Central and South-Eastern Europe. The End of the 20th — Beginning of the 21st Century. Aspects of Socio-political Development: Historical and Politological Reference Book — Dmitry Karev, Ivan Zadorozhnyuk (only Russian)

International Economic Relations

Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Belarus as a Factor of Improving National Competitiveness in the Context of the Eurasian Economic Union — Natalia Yurova, Yuliya Kireyeva

Increasing the Regional Competitiveness (on the Example of the European Union) — Sviatlana Baliuk


English Summaries 

«Contracts Aimed at Developing Distribution Network of the Belarusian Producers Abroad: Basic Legal Theoretical and Practical Issues» (Yuliya Barel)

Basing on the study of the Belarusian and foreign doctrines, law acts, international acts the author analyses the 2012 Belarusian Producer`s Foreign Distribution Network Law; gives a new definition to the notion of «foreign distribution network»; classifies legal forms of goods distribution (marketing) abroad; defines the place of agency and distribution contracts in the Belarusian contract law, connecting the factor (conflict of laws) to the above-mentioned contracts; points out the trend for application of protecting weaker party rules to distribution contracts and application of antitrust rules as overriding mandatory provisions and proposes some relevant amendments to national legislation and international law acts.

«Military Aspects of the U.S. Strategy Regarding the Persian Gulf Regional Security Complex (2009—2014)» (Anatoli Rozanov, Alexandra Shkoda)

The article defines the place and the role of the Gulf region in the United States foreign and military policy framework. The U.S. and the Persian Gulf relations are analysed for the first time through the prism of «regional security complex». The article identifies the main challenges of the Persian Gulf security architecture and the peculiarities of the interaction paradigm of the relevant actors at different historical stages, with an emphasis on the policy of the Obama administration.

The article highlights some understudied aspects of the evolution of the U.S. military presence in the region within the context of both the changing geopolitical realities in the Persian Gulf, and the transformations in the U.S. foreign policy and strategic priorities.

«The U.S. Policy towards China During the Second Barack H. Obama Presidency» (Aleksandr Kosov)

The article considers the evolution of the U.S. policy towards China during the second Barack H. Obama presidency, namely, the main factors of the development of the Chinese vector of Washington’s foreign policy in 2013—2015. Special attention is paid to main motive forces of the U.S. policy course. Political and military-political components of the strategic course of the U.S. towards the People’s Republic of China are characterised. It is emphasised that the U.S. policy in 2013—2015 quite effectively combined the elements of involving China in the world affairs and at the same time containing it in the military-political sphere.

The author concludes that cooperation and rivalry in the modern US—China relations has already become an established norm.

«Development of the Military Defense Cooperation Between Belarus and Russia» (Nikita Dunets)

The article deals with the defense partnership of Belarus and Russia. It determines the main areas of bilateral cooperation, gives their concise description and evaluates their development in the light of military and political processes taking place in Europe.

«Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Belarus as a Factor of Improving National Competitiveness in the Context of the Eurasian Economic Union» (Natalia Yurova, Yuliya Kireyeva)

The article is dedicated to the assessment of the implementation of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Belarus, to examination of its weaknesses and key problems and the resulting unsatisfactory level of national competitive position. The article presents a thorough analysis of the dynamics of statistical data of Belarus, as well as the valuation of the actual realization of economic forecasts and economic performance targets of the country. The procedures mentioned above helped to identify the most «vulnerable spots» in Belarusian economy and to determine the key priorities of the Republic of Belarus as a part of the Eurasian Economic Union.

«Increasing the Regional Competitiveness (on the Example of the European Union)» (Sviatlana Baliuk)

The competitiveness of the European Union regions has been analyzed on the base of the regional competitiveness index, calculated by Eurostat, in territorial and industries aspects. The top 10 most and least competitive regions in the EU-28, by NUTS 2 regions in 2013, have been considered both on the base of the regional competitiveness index as a whole and on its separate sub-indexes: the basic sub-index, the efficiency sub-index and the innovation sub-index. A three-level model of cluster policy of the city region has been analyzed. The cluster approach of increasing the regional competitiveness has been offered and its advantages have been determined. The question of shaping of regional economic complex on the base of European clusters has been delivered.

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