Model UN (FIRMUN) — April 2017 — Results

FIR MUNNow it's time to sum up the FIR MUN results!

On March 29 — April 1, 2017 Model United Nations was held on the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University.

The Model was sponsored by Belarusian State University, UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Belarus and the International Non-governmental Association for Scientific Research, Information and Educational Programmes "Evolutio".

This year Model United Nations gathered more than 120 students from 8 higher education institutions: Belarusian State, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University,   Belarusian state university of culture and arts, Belarusian State Economic University, International University "MITSO"

Three different committees were simulated during this spring session:  the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council (both in English) as well as the Human Rights Council (in Russian).

As a tradition, the first day of Model (March 29) was devoted to the training and preparation of the delegates for upcoming sessions in their committees.

Official opening ceremony was held on March, 30. It was attended by Andrey Selivanov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Aliaksandr Velikorodn, program activity assistant of the UNHCR office in Belarus. They wished all the participant fruitful discussions and expressed their hope that the attendees would continue taking part in Model United Nations to seek for solving challenging global problems. Just after the official opening, participants started the modelling of selected committees.

Hotly debates took place on March 30-31. The delegates learn to operate together in order to find the most appropriate solutions on their agendas. FIR MUN

Delegates of the Security Council, being simulated in English, held discussions of the topics of refugees and cybersecurity. By the end of the second day two resolutions were adopted (S/RES/1 (2017) и S/RES/2 (2017)).

Economic and Social Council discussed the issues of renewable energy in developing countries and achieving social stability in Europe by fighting with the negative image of refugees and asylum-seekers.  Although active debates and even conflict situations took place during the discussion of the topics, by the end of the day both resolutions were adopted unanimously (E/RES/2017/1 и E/RES/2017/2).

Problem of stateless people and collision between monitoring the rights of refugees and strict countries’ migrant laws were states as the agendas of the Human Rights Council. As a result of fruitful debates, two resolutions (A/HRC/RES/1/1/2017 и A/HRC/RES/1/2/2017) were adopted.

On April 1, the last day of Model United Nations an Emergency session, which simulates the United Nations General Assembly was held. Delegates had to work out the only solution of the arisen problems in constantly changing conditions (time after time delegates received new pieces of information). The topic of Emergency session correlated with problems of military exercises which caused a great damage to the states, fighting hacker attacks and xenophobia.

FIR MUNAfter the Emergency session Andrey Selivanov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, took the stock of the spring session of Model United Nations and awarded best delegates of the committees:
Bogdan Iodchik (the Russian Federation), Vladislav Beinar (Uruguay) in the Security Council;
Vladislav Kucheryavenko (Estonia), Alina Voituhovich (the United States) and Kornelia Lipnitskaya(Sweden) in the Economic and Social Council;
Kseniya Volkova (Hungary), Maxim Stemplevski (the United States) and Pavel Antipin (the Netherlands) in Human Rights Council.

Traditionally during the Model United Nations a contest for the best coverage of the conference in social network was held. The winners are Daria Glazkova, Maria Zaikovskaya, Kseniya Martinovich.

All the participants were awarded with the certificates and the winners also received gifts and diplomas.

We hope to see you next time!

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