The International Non-governmental Association for Scientific Research, Information and Educational Programs "Evolutio" and the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University are expanding the geographical framework of the Models United Nations and go to the regions.
On 24-25 September 2020 on the basis of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Mogilev State A. A. Kuleshov University and with the support of the INA "Evolutio", the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the Republic of Belarus and the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University, the Model UN FEPMUN-2020 was held.
The conference participants simulated a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council: 30 student delegates discussed the problem of environmental refugees / migrants.
The conference was addressed by the Legal Adviser of the UNHCR Office in the Republic of Belarus Timofey Solodkov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Mogilev State A. A. Kuleshov University Natalya Osipenko, Head of the Department of Law of the Mogilev State A. A. Kuleshov University Natalya Panteleeva, Head of the Regional Center for Legal Aid of the Mogilev State A. A. Kuleshov University Svetlana Khovratova and executive director of the International Public Organization "Development" Andrey Selivanov.
The debates at the meeting were heated: each delegate worked, aiming at achieving a common goal, based, however, on the interests of the state he represented. The meeting resulted in the adoption of a resolution, which was supported by the absolute majority of the delegates (A/HRC/44/1).
Andrey Selivanov and Svetlana Khovratova congratulated the students on the successful MUN conference by presenting gifts and certificates of participation in the conference.