Results April 2015

Model UN (FIRMUN) — April 2015 — Results

FIR MUN delegatesModel of United Nations took place on 8-11th April at the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU. Faculty of International Relations Model United Nations (FIRMUN) is an event which is held twice a year: in autumn and spring. About one hundred students, who represent various universities of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries’ universities, participate in the FIRMUN.

Traditionally, the Faculty of International Relations, BSU, and   INA “Evolutio” are the main organizers of the conference. This time, FIRMUN was also supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in the Republic of Belarus.

Four UN bodies were simulated during the Model UN: Security Council (English), Economic and Social Council (English), Sixth Committee of the General Assembly (Russian) and Historical Security Council (French).

The 1st day was dedicated to the trainings for future Delegates. For each Organ Being Simulated (OBS) separate trainings were organized, and during which Delegates were informed about the Rules of Procedure (which varies in the Committees). Chairs of the OBS prepared a presentation in a course of which they explained Rules to Delegates, gave them key points on preparation for the sessions and conducted a mock session.

The Official Opening was held at 10:00 on 10th April. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations A. Selivanov and Program Associate of the UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Belarus A. Velikarodnau delivered speeches during the Opening Ceremony.

Sessions at the OBS started on the 2nd day. In the Security Council three issues were set for the Agenda: situation in Ukraine, Ukrainian migrants’ status in the neighboring countries and situation in Yemen. During two days of debates, Delegates proposed and passed two resolutions (S/RES/1 (2015) and S/RES/2 (2015)). It has a point here to mention that Delegates managed to consider issues on the Agenda from different points of view and to propose grounded solutions in the resolutions.

In the Economic and Social Council the following issues were discussed: economic and social position of refugees, ecological catastrophes and IDPs and financing of parties involved in armed conflicts. Despite of active and controversial debates, resolutions on agendas were passed almost unanimously (E/RES/1 (2015) и E/RES/2 (2015)).

In the historical Security Council such important events of XX century were considered as wars in former Yugoslavia and regime of Red Khmers in Cambodia. Delegates presented themselves as friendly and active participants, and as the result of their work the resolution was passed (S/RES/3 (2015)).

It should be emphasized that all Delegates have demonstrated a high level of preparation and foreign languages proficiency (both English and French). Representatives of Delegations tried to follow their counties foreign policy and even formed coalitions in order to accept appropriate decisions.

The first day in the Russian-speaking OBS — Sixth Committee of the General Assembly — was dedicated to such controversial topic as crimes in cyber space and its legal regulation. In the course of discussion a lot of controversial issues were raised, but despite of this, Delegates passed a resolution, providing solutions for this problem (A/RES/2015_1/1).

At the second day, discussing the violation of norms of international law in countries under the conflict, Delegates came to the more unanimous position, but some contradictions did not allow them pass a resolution.

Emergency Session of the General Assembly was held on 11th April in English and in Russian languages. The issue for Emergency Session was emergence of the new subject on international arena, which has a strong influence on countries’ internal and foreign affairs. Delegates were forced to find a solution in critical situation in order to maintain existing system of peace and international relations and to prevent future violations of international law and powers’ balance. Following principles of humanity and desiring to protect the welfare of international community from the threat, Delegates passed resolutions almost unanimously (A/RES/ES_2015_1/1 and A/RES/ES_2015_1/2). At such moments we can come to an understanding of the importance and complexity of the UN work.

Best Delegates of the FIRMUN 2015/1:

Security Council: Siarhei Navitski (China) and Andrei Luzan (Nigeria).
Economic and Social Council: Anastasiya Dubnavitskaya (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Anna Shainikova (Kuweit).
Historical Security Council: Volha Kakhnovich (The United States of America).
Sixth Committee of the General Assembly: Denis Yatchmenev (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and Dmitry Danilchyk (The United States of America).

Contest in Instagram on the best photo was also held among Delegates. Four Delegates became the winners of it: Valeria Degtyarenko, Tatsiana Rahozina, Valeryia Dubeshka and Valeryia Pilkevich. All of the above mentioned delegates were presented with valuable gifts. All other delegates received certificates of participation.

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