2021 — N 1 (96)
to the memory of Oleg Kravchenko
Oleg Kravchenko: a Man of Credit, Diplomat and Patriot — Vladimir Makei
Oleg Kravchenko: photos
Memoirs of Colleagues
international treaties law
Belarus — European Union: an Inevitable Sovereign Partnership in the Face of Imminent — Oleg Kravchenko
international courts
Specificities of Judicial Control of Supranational Court on the Example of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union — Konstantin Chayka
international migration law
Actual Issues of Improving the Legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons — Alexander Fedorako
Geopolitical Transformation of Central and Eastern European Countries at the End of the 20th — Beginning 21st Century: Ideas, Goals, Reality — Leonid Gaidukevich
Belarus-Kazakhstan Cooperation in the Scientific and Technical Field in 1991—2019 — Elena Alexandrovich
Evolution of Export Strategies of Universities on the Global Market of Educational Services — Alexander Zhuk, Alexey Danilchenko
Transformation of Industries in the World Economy under the Influence of Digital Technologies — Katsiaryna Staliarova
Green Financing as a Factor of Sustainable Development: Global Trends and Prospects in the Republic of Belarus — Ludmila Filippova
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Key Factors Assessment in Tourism Competitiveness of the Republic of BelarusTheoretical and Practical Aspects of Key Factors Assessment in Tourism Competitiveness of the Republic of Belarus — Olga Mozgovaya, Vladimir Smoley
Andrey Selivanov
Editoring Board:
Victor Shadurski (chairman)Elena Babkina
Sergey Balashenko
Alena Douhan
Alexey Danilchenko
Ruslan Esin
Ludmila Pavlova
Anatoly Rozanov
Andrei Rusakovich
Sergey Solodovnikov
Oleg Starovoitov