2016 — N 1-2 (76-77)
intrenational private law
Conflict-of-law Regulation of the Civil Status of Individuals in the Republic of Belarus (General Issues) — Natalia Maskayeva
The System of International Private Law Principles — Nicolai Oksyutchik
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Foreign Bankruptcy Law Application in the Republic of Belarus — Andrei Skabei
intrenational migration law
Role of the International Organization for Migration in the Readmission of Persons Management — Svitlana Oliinyk
human rights
Devoted to the Publication of a Four-volume Edition «Belarus in the Policy of Western and Neighboring States (1914—1991): Compilation of Documents and Materials» — Uladzimir Snapkouski
African Direction of Brazil’s Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the XXI Century — Svetlana Malaya, Alexandr Chelyadinsky
BSSR’ Participation in UNESCO Activities and Mentality of the Belarusian Society (1954—1964) — Svetlana Svilas
Beginning of a Dynastic Struggle in the Vasa House and the Attitude of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Aristocracy towards this — Alena Dzemidovich
Georgy Fedotov’s Geopolitical Views — Maryia Matsiusheuskaya
Formation of the Policy of Immigration Restriction in France (1974—1981) — Konstantin Snisarenko
The Russian Federation and Germany: Foreign Trade, Energy Policy, Business (2000—2013) — Yuliya Puchinskaya
Turkey’s Policy towards Azerbaijan in 2002—2009 — Igbal Abilov
History, Peculiarities and Prospects of Relations between the Swiss Confederation and the European Union — Ilya Zuyeu
Belarus—NATO Relations in 1991—2015 in the Belarusian Historiography — Volha Zhurauskaya
Federalism and Confederalism in the European Integration Aspirations of French Center-right Political Forces — Aleksey Grishel
The Functioning of Export Credit Agencies — Public Administration Bodies: Prospects for the Republic of Belarus — Alexey Danilchenko, Pavel Artsemyeu
Evolution of the Model of the Economic Development State Regulation in the Republic of Korea — Oh Dok Hee, Dmitry Kalinin
Strategy of the Republic of Belarus in the Sphere of External Migration: New Challenges and Opportunities — Uladzimir Zaharets, Iryna Zaharets
Andrey Selivanov
Editoring Board:
Victor Shadurski (chairman)Vladizmir Astapenka
Elena Babkina
Sergey Balashenko
Yury Brovka
Alexey Danilchenko
Ruslan Esin
Ludmila Pavlova
Anatoly Rozanov
Andrei Rusakovich
Sergey Solodovnikov
Oleg Starovoitov
Alexandr Sharapo