Model UN (FIRMUN) — April 2018 — Results
Another session of the FIRMUN took place on April 11-13.
Students from 10 following Belarusian universities took part in the Model UN: Belarusian State University, Belarusian State Economic University, Belarusian State Academy of Aviation, International University “MITSO”, Polotsk State University, Vitebsk State University, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, A.S. Pushkin Brest State University and A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University.
Three Committees were represented at the spring Model UN. These Committees were the Security Council and the Executive Committee of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (both held in English), and the Security Council held in Russian.
This Model UN was truly special. For the first time the event was organized outside the alma mater, at the sport and recreation center of the Belarusian State University “Brigantina”.
Official opening ceremony on April, 5 was attended by all the participants and guests of the conference, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Information Technologies Andrey Selivanov together with the Protection Associate of the UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Belarus Zoya Golovneva. They welcomed all the delegates and members of the FIRMUN Organizing Committee and wished them to have fruitful debates and strive for finding possible solutions to the issues of common concern. Right after an official opening, participants were invited to the training sessions to get understanding of the rules of the procedure and to get acquainted with each other.
On April, 6 delegates conducted lots of productive debates. They worked hard to find the best possible solution to their respective agenda items.
Delegates of the Security Council (in English) were having debates on the following relevant topics: humanitarian exemptions in sanctions regimes and the issue of Rohingya in Myanmar. As a result, the Security Council adopted two Resolutions (S/RES/2018/1 and S/RES/2018/2).
Delegates of the ExCom of the UNHCR were discussing two topics which were 1) humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad region and 2) protection of refugee children. In spite of quite vigorous debates and seemingly unsolvable stand-offs, the Committee succeeded in adopting two Resolutions (E/RES/2018/1 and E/RES/2018/2).
Representatives of the Security Council were debating on the issues of religious clashes in Nigeria on the first day, and humanitarian aspects of the usage of unmanned aerial vehicles. Their discussions also resulted in the adoption of two Resolutions per topic (S/RES/2018/3 and S/RES/2018/4).
On the final day of the Model UN, which was the 7th of April, delegates met for the Emergency session. During the Emergency session, the meeting of the General Assembly representatives was simulated. Delegates were supposed to develop a single solution to the encountered challenges in a constantly changing environment (every 15-20 minutes the Assembly received an additional piece of news). The topic of the Emergency session included three sub-topics: war exercises, causing damage to the states, fighting against hacking and preventing xenophobia.
Right after the Emergency session, an official closing ceremony was held. Each Committee prepared and showed a short performance on the stage, and best delegates were awarded for their outstanding work during the conference.
Maria Mukhaeva (People’s Republic of China) and Alexandra Brezinskaya (United States of America) became the best delegates in the Security Council (in English);
Polina Maslyonkina (People’s Republic of China), Mitina Cuna (Chad) and Vitalina Sharovar (Turkey) became the best delegates in the ExCom of the UNHCR;
Vladislava Kuznetsova (People’s Republic of China) and Vladislav Meschanchuk (Sweden) became the best delegates in the Security Council (in Russian).
Awards for the best policy statements went to Alexandra Brezinskaya (United States of America), Roman Gushin (Côte d’Ivoire) and Anton Gatsko (United Republic of Tanzania).
All the delegates got certificates of participation, while the best delegates and the delegates who wrote the best policy statements got memorable prizes and diplomas.
We’re looking forward to meet you at our next FIRMUN!