The International Non-Governmental Association for Scientific Research, Information and Educational Programs "Evolutio" and the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University continue to expand cooperation with regional universities, carrying out the Model United Nations on the basis of regional higher educational institutions.
On October 15-16, 2020 on the basis of the Faculty of Law of the Francysk Skaryna Homieĺ State University and with the support of International Non-Governmental Association for Scientific Research, Information and Educational Programs "Evolutio", the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the Republic of Belarus and the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University, the Model United Nations Conference GOMUN-2020 was held.
The conference participants simulated a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council: 30 student delegates discussed the problem of economic violence against refugees.
Within the framework of the conference, lectures and welcoming remarks were made by the national specialist of the UNHCR Alexander Yatsenko, the dean of the Faculty of Law of the Francysk Skaryna Homieĺ State University Irina Esmantovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Francysk Skaryna Homieĺ State University Natalya Kopytkova, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines Francysk Skaryna Homieĺ State University Elena Kovaleva and Chairman of the Observation Board of the INA "Evolutio", Dean of the FIR BSU Viktor Shadursky.
The next day, the participants faced a difficult task: to ensure respect for the rights of refugees by solving the problem of economic violence. Points poured in one after another, and hands with country placards soared up every other minute. The delegates proposed multilateral solutions to the problem, tried to cover all aspects. After that, the Human Rights Council proceeded to discuss the entire resolution. The participants had to rethink a number of points; contradictions arose over the compliance of some of them with the UN Charter. But this obstacle was coped with, and most countries voted in favor of the resolution.
At the end of the day, Viktor Shadursky and Irina Esmantovich congratulated the students on the successful Model United Nations conference by presenting gifts and certificates of participation to the delegates and organizers.