FIRMUN - November 2019 - results

 Model UN (FIRMUN) — November 2019 — Results

On 13 – 16 November 2019, the Autumn session of the United Nations Model was held at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University.

The conference was organized with the support of the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University, the International Public Association for Scientific and Research and Informational and Educational Programs "Evolutio” and also with the public association "Belarusian Fund of Peace".

The conference was be attended by the students from 8 Belarussian and neighboring countries’ higher educational institutions: Belarusian State University, Belarusian State Economic University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Polotsk State University, Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Belarusian National Technical University and Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don. Russia).

Three United Nations committees were represented at the conference: the UN Security Council (in English), the UN Human Rights Council (in English), and the UN Historical Security Council (in Russian).
According to the tradition, on the first day (13 November) trainings were held in order to familiarize delegates with the rules of procedure. In addition, on this day the opening ceremony took place, where the UN Coordinator Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecki, Chairman of the Board of the Belarusian Peace Fund, Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Maxim Misko, Head of the Observation Board of the INA “Evolutio” Victor Shadursky, and the head of the organizing committee of the FIRMUN, the INA “Evolutio” specialist Dmitry Belko, wished the participants productive discussions, as well as continue to participate in the Modeling and seek to find solutions to problems of concern in the world community. Immediately after the opening ceremony, work in the committees has begun.

14 and 15 November were the days of active debates. The delegates learned how to work together in order develop the most appropriate solutions to the previously set agendas.

As the results of the working process in the committees, the following resolutions were worked out:
UN Human Rights Council (A/HRC/43/1 and A/HRC/43/2).
UN Security Council (S/RES/2019/5 and S/RES/2019/6).
Historical UN Security Council (S/RES/502 and S/RES/507).

On the final day of the conference,16 November, the Extraordinary Session was held. During the Extraordinary Session, a meeting of the UN General Assembly is modeled. The delegates needed to work out a single solution to the problems that had arisen under constantly changing circumstances (after a certain time new details were provided to the delegates).

After the Extraordinary Session, a closing ceremony took place, at which Executive Director of the INA “Evolutio” Andrey Selivanov, Victor Shadursky and Samadi Hoshin, member of the SCO Secretariat, summed up the results of the autumn session of FIRMUN, and also congratulated the best delegates, who are:

Ilya Kharytaniuk (the United Kingdom) and Valeria Sokal (China) in the UN Security Council (in English);

Ilian Zalomai (the United Kingdom), Mithine Cuna (Brazil) and Anton Kuzmich (Japan) in the UN Human Rights Council;

Anna Reberg (France) and Roman Denisenko (China) in the UN Historical Security Council (in Russian).

All participants were awarded certificates of participation, and winners received commemorative prizes and diplomas.

We are waiting for you next time, see you soon!

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