Model UN (FIRMUN) — November 2017 — Results
Another session of the Faculty of International Relations Model United Nations took place November 8 - 11, 2017 The simulation was performed with the support of the office of UNHCR in the Republic of Belarus, International Public Association for scientific research, information and educational programmes "Evolutio" and the Belarusian State University.
Autumn session of the Model United Nations was attended by more than 200 students from fifteen higher education institutions of Belarus and abroad, namely: Belarusian State University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University, Belarusian State Economic University, Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts and Moscow State University and others.
Autumn conference was carried out on the basis of five committees: the Historical Security Council, the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner for Refugees and the First Committee of the General Assembly (in English), as well as the Council of Human rights (in Russian) and of the Security Council (in Spanish).
According to tradition, on the first day (November 8) trainings were conducted with the aim of familiarizing the delegates with the rules of procedure.
On November 9, the day started with the opening ceremony, with the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations Victor Shadursky, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of BSU Andey Selivanov and representatives of student organizations of the faculty. The guests wished the participants fruitful discussions and to continue to participate in Modeling and seek to find solutions to exciting global community issues. Immediately after the opening procedure has begun work in committees.
On November 9 and 10 were heated debates. Delegates learned to work together to develop the most appropriate solution on their agendas. Delegates of the Historical Security Council, modeled in English, had discussions on the topic of preventing the escalation of the Afghan war. Thus, countries-members of the simulated Security Council met the members of the UN Security Council in 1979. After two days of debate of the day was prepared a resolution (S/RES/2017).
In the First Committee of the General Assembly on the agenda were two issues: the establishment of military bases on the territory of neutral states and the problem of women's rights in matters relating to disarmament. Despite the intense debate and conflicts that arose during the discussion of agenda items at the end of each day, resolutions were adopted almost unanimously (E/RES/2017/1 and E/RES/2017/2).
The agenda of the Executive Committee of UNHCR were topical issues of forced displacement, as well as the problem of stalessness. At the end of the fruitful discussions two resolutions were generated (A/HCR/RES/1/2017 and A/HCR/RES/2/2017).
The Security Council, modeled in Spanish, focused on addressing the threat of terrorist acts (S/RES/1/2017), and resolving of the political and economic crisis in Venezuela (S/RES/2/2017).
The theme of the meetings of the Council of the Human Rights was the protection of human rights during peaceful protests, and the issue of freedom of speech. According to the results of fruitful discussions were also drafted two resolutions (A/HRC/RES/1/1/2017 and A/HRC/RES/1/2/2017).
On the final day of the Simulation, November 11, an emergency session was held. Delegates were required to develop a single solution to the problems in a constantly changing environment (after a certain time delegates were reported new details). The aim of the emergency session was to find solutions to the problems of military exercises that caused damage to the states, the fight against hacker attacks and prevention of xenophobia.
After the Emergency session the closing ceremony was held where the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of BSU A. V. Selivanov has summed up the results of autumn session of the MUN, and congratulated the best delegates:
Vera Konistratenko (Russia) in the Security Council (Spanish);
Andrew Tatur (China) in the Historical Security Council;
Siaka Kuna (Peru) and Pavel Antipin (Sweden) to the Executive Committee of the UNHCR;
Andrew Garashchuk (United Kingdom) and Elizabeth Velimovich (Italy) in the First Committee of the General Assembly;
Beatrice Tartak (the Netherlands), Kirill Pushkin (Bolivia) and Cristina Tatueva (France) in the Human Rights Council.
All the participants were awarded with participation certificates and the winner also were rewarded with the prizes and diplomas. We are waiting for you next time!