FIRMUN - November 2018 - results

 Model UN (FIRMUN) — November 2018 — Results

Another session of the Faculty of International Relations Model United Nations took place on October 31 - November 3.

The conference was held with the support of the Belarusian Fund of Peace, INA "Evolutio" and the Belarusian State University.

Autumn session of the Model United Nations was attended by the students from 10 higher education institutions of Belarus and abroad, namely: Belarusian State University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University, Belarusian State Economic University, Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts and Moscow State University and others, International University “MITSO”, Polotsk State University, Vitebsk State University, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, A.S. Pushkin Brest State University and A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University.

Autumn conference was carried out on the basis of five committees: the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council (in English), as well as the Security Council (in Russian).

According to tradition, on the first day (October 31) trainings were conducted with the aim of familiarizing the delegates with the rules of procedure.

On November 1, the day started with the opening ceremony, with the UN Coordinator, Permament Representative f the UN in Belarus Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecki, Head of the Belarusian Fund of Peace Maxim Misko and the  Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of BSU Andey Selivanov . The guests wished the participants fruitful discussions and to continue to participate in Modeling and seek to find solutions to exciting global community issues. Immediately after the opening procedure has begun work in committees.

On November 9 and 10 were heated debates. Delegates learned to work together to develop the most appropriate solution on their agendas.

Delegates of the Security Council (in English) were having debates on the following relevant topics: UNSC reform and military conflict in Yemen the issue of Rohingya in Myanmar. As a result, the Security Council adopted two Resolutions (S/RES/2018/3 и  S/RES/2018/4).

Delegates of the Economic and Social Council were discussing two topics which were 1) human rights in the digital era and 2) combating of the human trafficking. In spite of quite vigorous debates and seemingly unsolvable stand-offs, the Committee succeeded in adopting two Resolutions (E/RES/2018/1 and E/RES/2018/2).

Representatives of the Security Council were debating on the issues of clashes in Yemen on the first day, and nuclear disarmament issue. Their discussions also resulted in the adoption of  Resolutions (S/RES/2018/1 и S/RES/2018/2).

On the final day of the Simulation, November 3, an emergency session was held. Delegates were required to develop a single solution to the problems in a constantly changing environment (after a certain time delegates reported new details). The topic of the Emergency session included such sub-topics as military actions in the middle East, causing damage to the states, fighting against terrorism and global warming.

After the Emergency session the closing ceremony was held where the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of BSU A. V. Selivanov has summed up the results of autumn session of the MUN, and congratulated the best delegates:

  • Anita Novik (as the Russian Federation), Gleb Soloviev  (as the UK) in the Security Council (English) ;
  • Artsiom Petushkov (as Algeria), Alesia Drobushevich (as Ghana), Anastasia Nikonovich (as Morocco) and Valery Starodubov (France) in the Economic and Social Council.
  • Vladislava Kuznetsova (China), Roman Gushchin (Poland) in the Security Council (Russian).

All the delegates got certificates of participation, while the best delegates and the delegates who wrote the best policy statements got memorable prizes and diplomas.

We’re looking forward to meet you at our next FIRMUN!

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