More figures and data on the situation with refugees in the world.
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More figures and data on the situation with refugees in the world.
On October 27, 2016 the Section «Migration, Refugees and Tolerance Issues in Contemporary World» was held in the framework of the XV International Scientific Conference «Belarus in Contemporary World». The event was conducted jointly by the UNHCR Office in the Republic of Belarus, the Faculty of International Relations of BSU and the International Non-governmental Association for Scientific Research, Information and Educational Programmes «Evolutio».
A practical seminar "Relevant aspects of Policultural Education among students of vocational training. Formation of tolerant behavior towards refugees" took place on October, 21 on the basis of Baranovichi State Professional Lyceum of Engineering. The event was organized jointly by UNHCR Belarus, INA "Evolutio" and the Republican Institute of Vocaitional Training (RIVT).
The General Assembly appointed by acclamation the former Prime Minister of Portugal, António Guterres, as the next United Nations Secretary-General, to succeed Ban Ki-moon. Resolution on his appointment was adopted at the General Assembly meeting by acclamation. According to the document, Guterres is apointed an administrative head of the Organization from January 1, 2016 till December 31, 2021. Read more information here.
Read an interview "Notice the beautiful - it is in every day of your life!" with Melitina Staniouta, UNHCR Celebrity Supporter, in the Journal by the Republican Institute of Vocational Training "Upbringing. Personality. Profession" (rus). Today UNHCR's friend Melitina Staniouta joined the #InclusiveBelarus advocacy campaign. Coming soon, stay tuned & share!
Faculty of International Relations Model United Nations is now open for application!
Attention!!! The call for applications to the United Nations Youth Panel is opened!
If you are between 15 and 24, are full of initiative, possess a strong civic-mindedness, are interested in the UN activities and strive to change the world and our country to the better – you are the one we are waiting for in the United Nations Youth Panel!
Applications are to be submitted by 3 October.
Find more information here.
The Faculty of International Relations of BSU with the support of the INA "Evolutio", Public Association "Center for Foreign Policy and Security Studies", Public Association on European Research on October 27, 2016 holds XV International Scientific Conference "Belarus in Contemporary World" devoted to the 95th anniversary of Belarusian State University. According to the tradition, with the UNHCR in Belarus support the Section "Refugee, Migration and Tolerance Issues" will be organized within the framework of the Conference.
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